In order to ensure success, you must always get new input, be one step ahead, and accept insights from others.
This month at AUGIWORLD, we’re focusing on the ways to contribute and collaborate in order to create excellence! Take some notes and we hope you enjoy this month’s issue!
In the April 2024 issue:
Budget Prep — Mark Kiker discusses the major preparation steps needed to usher in your budget request.
Enhance Efficiency, Productivity, and Reinvest Through BricsCAD® Pro Integration — Craig Swearingen unravels the story of how BricsCAD® Pro has become the linchpin of innovation for forward-thinking individuals and organizations worldwide.
Revit Architecture® Shared Coordinates (Still) Help Achieve Project Success — Jonathan Massaro shares a simplified, updated workflow for working with shared coordinates because none of those new tools help us with Revit’s new numerous tools and features.
Revit MEP: What MEP Needs from Your Architectural Model — Jason Peckovitch explores how the architectural and structural aspects of a project impact critical workflow processes and provide insights on how to optimize collaboration with these teams for greater project efficiency.
AutoLISP: Free Samples, The Spring Edition — Paul Li introduces the lisp command, explains what it does and discusses what came of it as AutoCAD continues to develop after another 12 releases of the current version.
Inside Track: TTH Toolset: Enhancing Productivity in Pipe Networks and Sheet Set Management — Marco Oregon highlights a few key tools within the set designed for both Pipe Networks and the Sheet Set Manager, encouraging you to try them out for yourself!
AUGIWORLD April 2024 Issue Released!