AUGI Board of Directors Meeting - Day 2
The Board spent the majority of the day in meetings, but we did start the day off with our group picture. We thought we would respectfully mimic a photo that has been around forever. Some of you may recognize the image that we mimicked as the founding fathers of Autodesk.
Some of you may get a kick out of our humor.
Anyway, back to the meeting...
We discussed the international organization of AUGI as we look toward putting some structure to our group and embrace the international arms of our organization.
We discussed Top DAUG development and then had lunch with Carl Bass, Tracey Stout and Richard Runnells. Carl gave us some insight into his perspective on international reach and other topics. We shared our plans for reaching his challenge of reaching 250,000 members. We are currently at 67,000 and growing.
We had conference calls with 3rd party developers in Brazil as we seek to expand the ability of our members to interact with each other and then placed another conference call to some of our volunteers as it related to AUGI Training Programs.
Rich Uphus - our Executive Director - gave an overview of the boards planning for 2006 and beyond which includes CAD Camps, CAD Matinees and more.