Posts in category ‘AUGI CAD Camp’


AUGI Hotnews October 2011 Now Available

September 2011   AUGI is pleased to announce the October 2011 issue of HotNews! Read it today.

In this issue of HotNews:


* Letter from the President - 2011 October - AUGI President David Harrington brings you up to date on the latest developments in the AUGI community.


* TIPniques: Why You Should Use CAD Standards

The first in a two-part series from guest columnist Katie Miller. Anyone who thinks CAD Standards aren't important has probably never stepped into a project-in-process where standard file management or naming conventions were ignored.

* CAD Management: Dealing with a Horrible Boss

Bad boss got you down? Mark Kiker delivers these common-sense tips for dealing with the situation.

* Sponsor Spotlight: Intel Turbo Boost Takes Workstation Performance to New Heights

HP Z Workstations and Intel Turbo Boost technology provide the processing speed you need to get the job done. Find out how.

Read the October issue of HotNews Now! Click here today!


AUGI HotNews June 2011 - Now Available

Features 2011-06-HN_Cover-200x314

School Is Not Out for Autodesk - A HotNews Interview with Alissa Perlstein Sykes HotNews talks with Autodesk's Director of Worldwide Education, Alissa Perlstein Sykes, about Autodesk's long connection with educational institutions. Learn how Autodesk is helping to prepare students for life beyond school.

Check Marks in a Drawing Index - Easy tips for adding check marks to a drawing index.

From the President: AUGI Announcements - Membership is up, AUGIWorld increases in size, new advertising opportunities, and the return of AUGI CAD Camp are just a few of the announcements for June 2011.


Sponsor Spotlight - Taking Performance on the Road - The latest HP EliteBook mobile workstations deliver power, performance, and reliability in a compact, yet highly durable design.

TIPniques: Look, Ma! No Command Line - A few tips for building versatile AutoLISP code

CAD Management: New Employee Orientation - New hires can make a big difference in your firm. Whether this difference is good or bad depends, to a degree, on how you approach new employee orientation.


AUGI CAD CAMP 2011 Schedule has been released!


Advance your skills and knowledge at AUGI CAD Camps –
Autodesk product training that puts you on the path to Autodesk® Certification.

In today's competitive marketplace, professional development is imperative to gain an edge on the competition, whether you're looking to land your next job or you company's next design project.

2011 AUGI CAD Camps are focused on helping you gain industry recognized credentials through Autodesk Certification so you can accelerate your professional development, improve productivity, and enhance credibility for you and your employer.

Are you ready to take the next step? Start your professional training now with
AUGI CAD Camp brought to you by the Autodesk User Group International (AUGI), CADLearning and Autodesk.

AUGI CAD Camp Benefits
•  One full day of professional classroom instruction
•  60 days of free access to CADLearning video tutorials – online 24/7
•  Access to audio recordings of the Camp sessions after the event
•  Free Autodesk Certification Assessment Tests
•  Autodesk Certification Exam Discount Vouchers

Register for an AUGI CAD Camp event in your area today to get started!



AUGI CAD Camp Seattle- Top DAUG Winners

On March 29 AUGI CAD Camp rolled into the Renton Technical College in Seattle, WA. Some of the classes offered at the Seattle CAD Camp included:

Revit Family Creation – Instructor: Eugene O’Day, The PPI Group

The Magic of the INtersection Wizard – Instructor: Kevin Faraca and Kevin Closson, The PPI Group

Implementing iLogic - Instructor: Paul Harrison, Imaginit Technologies

Here are the top ten Top DAUGs from Seattle:

  1. Alex Lepeska
  2. Tim DeLano
  3. Michael Fishbaugher
  4. Mark Scoville
  5. Brian Gerst
  6. Brian Walker
  7. Lou Montgomery
  8. R. Robert Bell
  9. Cory Clark
  10. Lisa Auth


Congratulations to each of our Top DAUGs in Seattle, and a special thanks to our local sponsors; the PPI Group and Imaginit Technologies for their support.


AUGI CAD Camp Austin and Dallas - Top DAUG Winners


AUGI CAD Camps continue visiting cities near you. Two recent stops include Austin and Dallas, Texas.

On March 16 AUGI CAD Camp rolled into the Austin Marriott North in Austin, Texas. Some of the classes offered at the Austin CAD Camp included:

Secrets to an Executive CAD Manager’s Success – Instructor: Robert Green

Creating Welded Designs – No Helment Required – Instructor: Bill Fane

3D Design from Concept to Completion in AutoCAD – Instructor: David Cohn

Here are the top ten Top DAUGs from Austin:

  1. Brandi Reger
  2. David Gaskill
  3. Ralph Sanchez
  4. Tim Ross
  5. Chris Ridder
  6. Rey Sanchez
  7. Honei Hooper
  8. James Sanborn
  9. Brett Butts
  10. Stephen Shively

A couple days later AUGI CAD Camp could be found in Dallas, TX at the Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum by the Galleria. There the courses continued with an equally impressive lineup of classes including:

AutoCAD Civil 3D: Survey Exposed! – Instructor: Joe Hedrick

Implementing iLogic – Instructor: Paul Harrison

Creating Greener Designs by Nature – Instructor: Alex McCarthy

Here are the top ten Top DAUGs from Dallas:

  1. Mike Whetstone
  2. Mike Coler
  3. Courtney Myers
  4. Michael Gardner
  5. Mitch Guy
  6. John Jackson
  7. Mitch Hefter
  8. Tim Livingston
  9. Brent Denison
  10. Jodi Sherrell

The #1 winner gets…

a one Year subscription All Access pass on  site, for accomplishing the highest score on the TOP DAUG contest at the Austin CAD Camp event.

Also they will be entered in the running to win a free Autodesk University pass, sponsored by 4D Technologies, which will be awarded to the highest scoring TOPDAUG from all of the national CAD Camps this year. We will announce that winner this coming November.

Many more opportunities to go to an AUGI CAD Camp near you.

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