Posts in category ‘AUGI Wish Lists’


AUGI HotNews - December 2015

Read the full issue (must be logged into in your browser. The full issue contains the below articles, plus sections — Forum Hot Topics, Special Announcements, HP Workstations, Articles You May Have Missed, Heads Up, Autodesk News, Want to Volunteer?, AUGI Members’ Blogs…


AUGI HotNews December 2011 is Available Now


AUGI is pleased to announce the December 2011 issue of HotNews! Read it today.


In this issue of HotNews:

AUGI Presents Wish List 2011 to Autodesk Execs - The AUGI Wish List Top 10 for AutoCAD, Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, Revit Structure, Autodesk Inventor, and AutoCAD Civil 3D were presented to Autodesk Executives as part of the AUGI Annual Meeting.

AUGI Top DAUG Competition at AU2011 - AUGI's Top DAUG competition at AU2011 was expanded to include more products and by extension more AUGI members. Read more about the winners and the t-shirt design.


* President's Letter - 2011 December - It was one knowledge-enhancing, career-building event after another at AU 2011. From a special breakfast "thank you" to AUGI volunteers, to the Annual Meeting, Beer Bust, and the crowning of the 2011 Top DAUG, AU 2011 was a memorable event for AUGI members.


* TIPniques: Dr. Who and the CAD Manager Part 1

Get a better idea of how long it really takes to design, layout, detail, and check. Patrick Hughes shows you how in the first part of a two-part series.

* CAD Management: Is Your Workspace Killing Productivity?

Is Your Workspace Killing Productivity? When it comes to office ergonomics, the trend is the wide open spaces. Mark Kiker offers some tips for making it work better for everyone.

* Sponsor Spotlight: HP Technology on Display at Autodesk University

Visitors to HP's AU booth got to disassemble a workstation, laugh and learn, and catch some flying money. Here's the recap.

Read the december issue of HotNews Now! Click here today!


AUGI AutoCAD and Inventor Wishlist Ballots Are OPEN!

AUGI Members, it is time once again to let Autodesk know what you would like to see in future releases of AutoCAD or Inventor. The Wish List ballots are open. Autodesk uses the results of these Wish List ballots to help plan their research for improvements. Take advantage of this opportunity. The only thing you need is a membership in AUGI, and a little bit of your time.

You've submitted your wishes, now come vote on the ones you'd most like to see become a part of the product you use on a daily basis. On behalf of all of the wish list team members - reviewers and administrators - thank you for your time and your vote!

Vote Now for Inventor


Revit MEP & Revit Structure Wish List Ballots Are OPEN!



Revit MEP and Revit Structure Wish List ballot closes on Aug 31st at 12:00 am GMT.

AUGI Members, it is time once again to let Autodesk know what you would like to see in future releases of Revit MEP and Revit Structure. The next Wish List ballot is open. Autodesk uses the results of AUGI Wish List ballots to help plan out improvements in the software. Take advantage of this opportunity. The only thing you need is a membership in AUGI, and a little bit of your time.

You've submitted your wishes, now come vote on the ones you'd most like to see become a part of the product you use on a daily basis. On behalf of all of the wish list team members - reviewers and administrators - thank you for your time and your vote!

Vote now for Revit MEP and Revit Structure!

You must be an AUGI member and you must log in to vote.


AUGI Wish List - Don't forget to Vote



Wish List voting closes on Nov. 23 at midnight CST US.

AUGI Members, it is time once again to let Autodesk know what you would like to see in future releases of AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Inventor or Revit Architecture. The Wish List ballots are open. Autodesk uses the results of these Wish List ballots to help plan their research for improvements. Take advantage of this opportunity. The only thing you need is a membership in AUGI, and a little bit of your time.

You've submitted your wishes, now come vote on the ones you'd most like to see become a part of the product you use on a daily basis. On behalf of all of the wish list team members - reviewers and administrators - thank you for your time and your vote!

Vote now for AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit and Civil 3D.

You must be an AUGI member and you must log in to vote.

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