Posts in category ‘Autodesk University’


We need your help for an AU project!

Calling all AUGI members! The Board of Directors is busy planning our AU Las Vegas activities, and we want to feature YOU!

This year, we’re collecting videos from our members telling everyone why they are a part of the AUGI community. We’d love for you to share your story, to help show why AUGI is the place to be for design professionals. It’s your chance to be seen on the big screen at the Annual General Meeting or even play a role in the AUGI booth display in the AU Exhibit Hall.

If you’re interested, email [email protected] for more details. It won’t take long, and we’d love to have your participation.

Going to AU Las Vegas? Stop by the AUGI booth and say hello! Not going to AU? That’s okay--we’d still love to hear from you by video, and maybe we’ll see you at a future AU event.


AU 2015 is Right Around the Corner

With AU 2015 quickly approaching there are going to be many AU 'newbies' that are excited and nervous about their upcoming trip. I just recently had a long Skype discussion with a fellow AUGI member and author about this year's trip to AU, his first. Like any new attendee, he was curious to what it was like and what to expect. Below are some answers to common questions newcomers often ask.

What about food?
If you plan your day right, you can survive off the meals and snacks provided for free. Below is what I have experienced over the last three years.

Breakfast 6:30-8:00am:
Each morning before the classes start there is a breakfast served in a very large dining hall. Think of sitting down to eat with about 8,000+ folks. You will find a variety of offerings that will include carbs, and proteins as well as juices and coffee.

Lunch 12:00-1:30pm:
Back to the big dining room, for more proteins, carbs, and veggies to round out your fuel intake.

Dinner 6:00-9:00pm:
Dinner is a little different, as there is no sit down serving. The main exhibit hall opens Tuesday evening where you can find food and drink stations spread throughout the booths that include a pretty decent variety of food and desert items. And the drink stations have beer and wine.

In between classes, spread through the large corridors there will be coffee, soft drinks water and lots of carbs in sweets and fruits. One year there were ice cream bars!! Yummy...

What do I wear?
This is a professional event, so beach wear is not recommended, and can be chilly too. Business casual is a safe bet, but jeans and polos with sneakers are common. Think about the networking opportunities and how you want to present yourself, but keep "comfy" in mind - you will be on your feet a lot! If you plan on going outside at all, bring some warm clothes as it can get pretty cold in the desert in December.

What is the Schedule like?
Your schedule will vary greatly by what classes, and events you attend as well as what vendors you wish to visit.  On the AU site, you can see the daily agenda for classes, special events and the two big, important events - the AUGI reception after the AUGI annual meeting (a must see) and the big Autodesk party Thursday night. Plan on sleeping in after that one! 

During the week, in the evenings, vendors, resellers and individuals will have parties at various clubs and hotel suites. If you get invited, go, these are great networking opportunities.  With everything going on, you are likely to be awake from 5:00am to 11:00pm each day, so get some sleep before Tuesday!

Look forward to seeing you all in Vegas!!



The Holiday Season is Approaching

My favorite holiday is coming up this December. Just thinking of all the colorful, blinking lights, the cool wintry breezes and of course the hot Cocoa from room service has me daydreaming at work. I have my plane ticket and have picked out all my classes. It is not Christmas, but the annual trip to Autodesk University that I am looking forward to!

Each year I get to pick out my own presents during the four Days of AU with each class selection I make. I get to share my excitement with the other 9 to 10 thousand happy holiday travelers that also attend this event. As is the case every year, I will get my fair share of exercise as I go over the escalators and through the crowds of attendees and Autodesk elves to each and every new learning experience.

I am sure many of you have already booked your flights and selected your classes and are anxiously awaiting the event’s beginning like me. Although some of you reading this might be new to AUGI or even new to the industry and are curious about this event that sounds so exciting."


So for those that are new, let me tell you a little about it. Every year Autodesk puts on a huge event in Las Vegas for the past present and future users of Autodesk products. There are tons of classes, exhibits, demonstrations and parties to keep you busy. Attendees can learn not only about Autodesk products, but even more from vendors and sponsors that are also at the event. Additionally, this is a great place to learn about current and future industry trends and what some of your peers are doing. It is a great event to learn, share, and network.

To get more information and get registered, head over to the AU 2015 website and get signed up. And don’t forget to use your AUGITRK code for a chance at a free Premier AUGI membership.

Look forward to seeing you all in Vegas!



Board of Director Nominations Open

The AUGI Board of Directors is currently taking nominations for the three year term that begins in January 2016 and lasts through December 2018.

What is the Board and what do they do?

  • The Board of Directors is the governing body for AUGI.
  • They are involved in long-range planning, high level management and most importantly, positive member interactions.
  • The board is responsible for the overarching direction of the organization.
  • The Board possesses a passion for Autodesk products and services and they are committed to sharing knowledge amongst the AUGI membership.

Specific goals for the organization vary from year to year, but the underlying theme – that AUGI is all about users helping users – is constant. The AUGI Board of Directors consists of a minimum of 6 up to a maximum of 10 Directors (it has been kept at 9 in recent years). Each Director serves a three year term.Members of the AUGI Board of Directors share common ground and a common goal:

  • A commitment to our members.
  • A focus on the BIG picture and long term international growth.
  • A focus on the values behind our programs.
  • The assertion of perspectives, beliefs and concerns. They do not sit back with no comment or input. Participation is key to this role.
  • An understanding of the value of volunteers, delegation of tasks and allowing others to make decisions under the umbrella of the board's oversight.

Members of the AUGI Board participate in a teleconference at least once per month and meet in person two to three times a year. One or two of these face-to-face meetings may take place at Autodesk corporate locations. The final takes place at Autodesk University for our Annual Meeting.

Who can submit a nomination?

Any current member in good standing may submit a nomination for the Board of Directors. Self nominations are also allowed.

Who can I nominate?

Each name submitted must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be a member in good standing for at least one year; and 
  • Be a current officer of a Local User Group or User Group Association; and
  • Show verifiable qualifications of managerial and business skills or project management skills by submitting at least 3 letters of recommendation regarding management or project experience. Contact information shall be provided for each recommendation; or 
  • Complete at least one year of AUGI volunteering with a recognized AUGI program; or 
  • Complete at least one year in the chairing of any recognized AUGI program.

All Candidates will be evaluated based on their understanding and agreement with Board policy, procedure, operational organization and philosophical outlook.

What will the nominee have to do?

The Nominees will need to submit the following information:

  • Name 
  • Company 
  • Address 
  • Phone 
  • Email 
  • Digital photo (preferably with a white background) 
  • Qualification Statement (min 100 words, max 600) – namely a “where, how and why” statement; that is, “where” do you see yourself best fitting in; “how” you would fill this specific area and “why” you should be selected.

For those who will be included on the ballot, their name, photo and statement will be posted on the Elections page of the AUGI web site.

How do I nominate someone (or myself)?

To run for a position on the AUGI Board of Directors, send your nomination using the prescribed form listed below to [email protected].

Download the Board of Directors' Nomination Form (PDF)

All nominations must be received by midnight (CST) Nov. 04, 2015, in order to be considered on the ballot. The Nomination and Elections committee will review the nominations and seek approval by the full board for the names of those nominees that will be included on the ballot. (The N&E committee is chaired by a Director, but, comprised of other AUGI volunteers, for a balanced assessment.)

How will the voting be conducted?

Voting will begin December 2nd, 2015 and be open through midnight (CST) December 16th, 2015. Results will be made available as soon as possible but no later than December 21st, 2015. Winners will be notified via mail or phone. Public notification will be provided both on the AUGI Web site, Blaugi, and in AUGI HotNews. For information on voting procedures, visit the Bylaws section on our Web site. If you have any questions about the AUGI Board elections process, contact the Nominating Committee at [email protected].

Keep in mind…

Please consider that the Board of Directors may meet face to face up to 3 times a year with one meeting coinciding with Autodesk University. These face to face meetings may take 4 days or more of your time (these may include time away both during the workweek and possibly Saturday and Sunday). The AU meetings may take even more time away from home. Other meetings will be scheduled between January and June. Board members' typical travel costs for meetings will be reimbursed by AUGI.

There are monthly conference calls for which you are expected to prepare in advance and actively participate in. The conference calls are currently scheduled for the third Saturday of the month for approximately 2 hours, but have been known to exceed that duration. The times of these meetings may vary based on the board members' location.

Board members are also encouraged to attend Local User Groups or Associations in their area, local events, and other AUGI and Autodesk functions as a representative of AUGI. Board members may also be serving in other areas as volunteers where they are subject to the timeline and demands of the projects in which they are involved.


Attend AU2015 and become an AUGI Premier Member Free!

Are you planning on attending AU2015 in Las Vegas this year? AUGI is rewarding the first 150 AUGI members who register with a free one year AUGI Premier Membership.

Earlier this summer AUGI President Bob Bell discussed AUGI support for Autodesk University and asked for your help to demonstrate that support.

"Your board of directors and management team recently met with some folks from Autodesk to discuss Autodesk University. Autodesk wants to know how influential AUGI is with its members regarding Autodesk University. Does AUGI do enough to inform its members about AU and encourage them to attend the event?"

Show your support – it’s as easy as 1-2-3!

1 – Visit to access the main website for AU2015. Log in and proceed with registering to attend.

2 – Near the end of the process is field for a Registration Code, where you can enter “AUGITRK”. This will show you attending AU with AUGI. It’s also how you get your free membership upgrade (first 150 registrants only).

3 – Complete your registration process and get ready for another fantastic Autodesk University. Don’t forget to attend  the AUGI General Meeting, just prior to the AUGI Reception. Look for more information from us soon, and search the Autodesk University scheduler to add it to your itinerary.

Thank you for your membership, participation, and support for your Autodesk User Group International.

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